Well, two of my favorite bloggers have chosen to pick a topic and write about it for the next 31 days. Ann Voskamp is writing 31 Days to Crazy Joy at www.aholyexperience.com and Emily P. Freeman is writing 31 Days to Hush at www.chattingatthesky.com.
I’m really intrigued by this idea of writing about something
specific over the next 31 days and it’s a challenge that I want to accept. I’m
also nervous because I don’t write that consistently and daily posts may be too
much for me. On top of that, I think that what God is leading me to write about
is 31 Days to Keep a Tender Heart. I think that this will involve even more
vulnerability on my part and that’s scary too.
But, I feel a sacred invitation and grace to write about
what God is teaching me. You see, I have a hard time keeping a tender heart.
When life gets hard and I feel disappointed, I usually harden my heart to stop
the pain. God has been gently teaching me a different way in the past few
months, but it’s not perfected yet. I still find hardened chunks in my heart
and allowing it to stay tender in the face of hurt, fear and loss is really
hard to do. The tender parts are more exposed and vulnerable to further injury.
But, they are also more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His fruits of joy,
peace, love and gentleness.
So, I want to keep a tender heart and I’m committed to
sharing some of my learning process with you over the next 31 days.
Still counting gifts:
#445: Perfect weather for Ava’s 6th
birthday party, which was pirate themed
#446: Being asked to pray for people feeling
emotionally stuck at my church
#447: When I was reading about how joy is always
found in God’s presence and my heart overflowed in tears of gratitude that He
has made a way for me to always be joyful
#448: Family and neighbors mingling around a
campfire in the backyard
#449: Being physically able to run 3 miles and encounter
God simultaneously
#450: Enjoying the solitude of the forest
preserve in the early morning
#451: Learning how to share in other people’s
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