I’ve been fighting a cold this week. There, I finally
admitted it.
A few people have asked me if this was the case over the past
few days and I repeatedly said, “No.” I blamed allergies and changing
temperatures initially. And, I’m sure those things contributed to my sore
sinuses, my tender and tickling throat and the choking cough that gets
provoked. (Those of you at church last weekend will remember what that is.)
Still Counting Gifts:
#569: I am thankful for this cold.
#570: This is the first time that I have been
sick since June 2011!
#571: I’m not sick with a sinus infection or
bronchitis as I used to be 4 to 5 times a year.
#572: I’m not confined to my bed or forced to
sleep all day long because I’m so miserable.
#573: I’m actually very functional, just a
little tired and dragging.
#574: This is just the thing that I need to give
myself permission to say No to being overly active this weekend.
#575: This is a great excuse to spend my time in
my pj’s reading my Bible, reading my favorite blogs, reading more of Grace for the good girl, praying, writing,
drinking tea and taking naps.
I’m also going to share a few things that I have been
reading during my recovery time that I think you may enjoy.
This moved me to tears. I have had these ugly
moments where I see what is really inside my heart as it explodes out of my
mouth and they are so horribly painful. I really appreciate how Ann tells this
story and how she resolved that crisis with humility. http://www.aholyexperience.com/2012/10/why-the-crazy-sacrifices-are-worth-it-crazy-joy-19/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HolyExperience+%28Holy+Experience%29
Joel Rosenberg just posted some videos from the
recent Epicenter Conference. I was listening to his State of the Epicenter
message about current affairs in the Middle East and it was really interesting.
It’s about an hour though, so you will need some time. http://epicenterconference.com/media/video/epicenter_2012_joel_c_rosenberg/
During these 31 days of reflecting and writing
on keeping a tender heart, I have been realizing how much I am still wrestling
with perfectionism on a regular basis. I am committing myself to reading and
digesting Grace for the good girl
because I know that God wants to use this resource to continue to heal my heart
in this area. Here is a link to Emily P. Freeman’s introduction on this book if
you are interested: http://www.chattingatthesky.com/2012/05/31/grace-for-the-good-girl-introduction/
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