Well, I did it. I blogged for 31 days on one topic.
I was reminded of last fall when I blogged almost every day
during Fire in the Night. I find that having a challenge to write daily helps
me to write more. But, I also tend to put pressure on myself to do it
perfectly, which means that I have to post every day. I intentionally chose not
to blog on Sundays, to give myself a day of rest, and I took a few more days
when I didn’t have anything to write. This protected me from the pressure of
perfection because I started with an imperfect goal.
I hope that my heart is tenderer today, October 31, than it
was on October 1. But, I am realizing more and more that I have to fight to
keep a tender heart. Pursuing the goal to write about having a tender heart
almost daily helped me to do more heart checks and take action when I
discovered hardened places.
I haven’t had any big discoveries or significant insights.
The only thing that felt really different was that I was inviting others into
what I was thinking and feeling on a more regular basis. What was happening
with me became the material for my posts and I opened the door for other people
to see behind my “fine” façade. So many of you shared wonderful feedback with
me and I really appreciated your words and reactions.
I have come to accept that I am a “blogger”, though this was
much more difficult for me to see than it was for so many of you. I really do
enjoy writing. And, I think that there is something valuable and vulnerable and
healing in sharing my thoughts and feelings in a public way on a regular basis.
I don’t know how often I will be posting now that October is finishing, but I
have the intention to make it a regular habit.
Counting Gifts:
#625: How Lily always waits to greet me just
outside the bathroom door
#626: Making coffee
#627: God values me and my work, however small
we may seem
#628: Teaching others how to fight for joy and
overcome suffering
#629: Doing things for the first time
#630: When Karyn picks out my clothes and
everyone complements my outfit
#631: Finding a TV show to share
#632: Going home at the end of the day
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