Well, I did it. I blogged for 31 days on one topic. I was reminded of last fall when I blogged almost every day during Fire in the Night. I find that having a challenge to write daily helps me to write more. But, I also tend to put pressure on myself to do it perfectly, which means that I have to post every day. I intentionally chose not to blog on Sundays, to give myself a day of rest, and I took a few more days when I didn’t have anything to write. This protected me from the pressure of perfection because I started with an imperfect goal. I hope that my heart is tenderer today, October 31, than it was on October 1. But, I am realizing more and more that I have to fight to keep a tender heart. Pursuing the goal to write about having a tender heart almost daily helped me to do more heart checks and take action when I discovered hardened places. I haven’t had any big discoveries or significant insights. The only thing that felt really different was that I was inviting o...
I want to know and believe the LOVE that God has for me. I want to be full of JOY regardless of my circumstances. I want to be WHOLEHEARTED: living connected to who I am, what I feel, and what I desire. I want to have a vision for who God is, who I am and where we are journeying together. I want to be marked by His delight and to express delight back to Him.