June 28: 3 gifts eaten
- #88: my mom's homemade granola with fresh blueberries and dried apricots
- #89: chicken parmesan with big clumps of melted, stringy mozzarella cheese melting into the marinara sauce and coating the pasta; and interrupting consuming it to sing patriotic songs with Rockford Rotarians
- #90: left-over cake from when the neighbors came for dinner, cold and delicious now that the caramel and condensed milk have really soaked into the chocolate cake
#91: my sister being brave enough to share how she was really feeling
#92: me being brave enough to just let her and not try to make things better right away because I felt uncomfortable with her pain and honesty
#93: listening to Starlight Radio while sweating intensely next to the river at Dinner on the Doc
#94: watching a little girl with beautiful red hair listen intently to the music from the front row
#95: leaning in as unfulfilled longings keep trying to weigh me down
#96: choosing to find joy in Jesus by counting gifts and focusing on Him, not my circumstances
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