June 29: A gift small, big, just right
- #97: My gift small was catching moments to connect with my mom first thing in the morning. I was getting ready for a meeting and she was getting Ava ready for camp. Our time and conversation was small, but a gift.
- #98: My gift big was when the sky turned into God's canvas and He used the clouds to paint an incredible picture that looked like the ocean, from underneath the water. I stood with mom, dad, and Lily in the backyard, snapping pictures and watching the glorious image unfold.
- #99: My gift just right was visiting with my new, favorite, friend and neighbor at the end of the day. I especially liked how free I felt to be myself and to enjoy her being herself.
- #100: Staying up even later than late to watch two episodes of one of my favorite shows
- #101: Both my mom and Karyn stopped by my room to say good-night when they went to bed.
June 30: 3 gifts I gave today
- #102: I gave myself the gift of skipping running to sleep in.
- #103: I gave mom, dad and Karyn the humongous treat of going out for breakfast and, even more importantly, staying long after we had finished eating just to talk and enjoy one another.
- #104: I gave Colin and Mandy a night out without children.
- #105: In giving Colin and Mandy the night off, I also gave myself the gift of precious and fun time with Noah and Kingston.
July 1: 3 gifts loved
- #106: Fried eggs on a piece of buttered toast
- #107: Celebrating Patrick finishing his last college class!
- #108: Eating homemade pizza with my family and listening to everyone talk all at once
July 2: 3 gifts read
- #109: God's word to me in Acts 20:24: "But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the LORD Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God's wonderful kindness and love."
- #110: A heart-felt thank you note
- #111: Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman
#112: Time in the middle of my work day to read the Bible, sip lemon tea and count gifts
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