On December 2, 2012, I was at home at my parent's house. I know that it was a Sunday, but I don't remember exactly what I did.
2013 |
What I do know is that I was still thinking about how I had finally reconnected with Ben Striker at a burn at the Rock River House of Prayer the day before. I know that I was trying not to think about him romantically and that I was feeling proud of myself for reconnecting with him like a normal person after two years of separation and the strong attraction that I had immediately felt for him.
Christmas 2012 |
What I didn't know is that he would have a mutual friend text me just two days later to ask if she could give him my phone number. I did not know that we would have our first date just five days later, be dating after only two weeks or be engaged by Valentine's Day. I definitely could not have imagined that we would be married by the end of September.
I have been thinking a lot about how quickly things can change and how years of unanswered prayers can suddenly be answered. I think about all that has changed in my life while other things are remarkably still the same. I have been thinking, "This time last year..." and wondering what will be this time next year. Between remembering the past and anticipating the future, I find that I am missing out on the present.
Christmas 2011 |
December is a full month for me and I know that it is this way for many people. I know that I am out of the practice of savoring each day, again. My days feel more like burdens and to-do lists than gifts. I have less joy and peace and more anxiety.
So, I am back to searching for God in my everyday life. I am practicing His presence and looking for where He is at work in me and around me. I am counting every gift that I find and asking Him to satisfy me once more with Himself. I am asking God to expand my gaze so that it includes more of Him and not just me.
December 2010 |
Still Counting Gifts:
- #914: Starting my second year of life with Ben
- #915: Time to write, think and read
- #916: How A Million Little Ways is inspiring me
- #917: Starting piano lessons
- #918: Extending myself grace when I don't practice for two full weeks after my first lesson
- #919: How our basement space is feeling more and more like home
- #920: Staring at my Christmas tree
- #921: I survived another Turkey Trot despite running only twice since my wedding
- #922: Ordering my wedding photo book
- #923: My name change is closer to complete
- #924: New perspective on who I am and what God has given me passion to pursue
- #925: God's love is stronger than even the most devastating feelings
- #926: Seeing hope find fertile soil in a person's heart
- #927: Trusting God with my business and how many people I see
- #928: Learning how God wants me to spend myself
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