It's been a busy week and I haven't done any writing or counting. I'm realizing that I need to be more intentional at scheduling my time outside of work so that I can accomplish everything I want to. I think that this is a good problem because it means that I am spending enough time at work that I don't have such a surplus of free time that I can fritter it away and everything will still get done. It's a problem because I prefer the big picture to working out the details. When I have free time, I like to talk with my family and friends, read, head to Magic Waters for a swim, cook, watch something or play a game. I have noticed that I rarely, if ever, do things like return emails, pay bills, run errands, or clean my room when I don't plan them in advance. I just don't choose to do those sorts of things spontaneously. Even important things like studying my Bible, praying for family members by name, and writing down the things that God is talking to me about do...
I want to know and believe the LOVE that God has for me. I want to be full of JOY regardless of my circumstances. I want to be WHOLEHEARTED: living connected to who I am, what I feel, and what I desire. I want to have a vision for who God is, who I am and where we are journeying together. I want to be marked by His delight and to express delight back to Him.