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Things making me happy right now:

(Still Counting Gifts:)

Fluffy baby geese by the river (#1087).

It's like a testimony that spring is really here every time I see them.

There are several families who hang out together and I love when I come across them. The babies are learning how to swim, eat grass and cross the bike path.

The babies are so cute that I wish I could pick them up and snuggle them.

Of course, I don't do this because the adult geese are so scary. They are literally watching for people like to me to get too close so that they can hiss and charge. This is so terrifying that I risk having wet feet and run through the grass across the path from them in order to be sure that I will not be attacked.

Even today, when I finally mustered up the courage to stop and take a picture, I stood as far away as I possibly could, while still getting the picture.

The view outside of my office windows is becoming amazing (#1088). (And, they are beautifully clear because David McDonald and Norwegian Squeegee recently cleaned them. #1089 Thanks Dave!)

May has been a bit slower for me, in terms of seeing clients. I am receiving this as a gift and spending time enjoying the view outside. #1090

I haven't actually been outside since this morning, but we are moving into the time of the year when you start sweating as soon as you walk out the door. And, I have this thing about being sweaty in regular clothes. I'm OK with sweating in my running clothes, but I prefer to avoid sweating in other clothes.

Our yard is becoming this amazing place (#1091) with all of these plants that I cannot identify. Ben says these are called bleeding hearts. I like them because they are pink. #1092

I'm actually starting to desire to work out in our yard. #1093 I haven't acted on this desire, at all, yet. But, I'm thinking about stepping out there and trying my hand at some weeding. I'm imagining myself doing it, that it will be harder than I think it will and that I will feel proud of my accomplishments afterwards.

Ben is spending more and more time at the farm. He got up at 5 AM this morning and left me sleeping. (I'm pretty sure this is actually the first time that he has gotten up before me in this house. So, I was feeling pretty impressed with him. #1094)

Things at the farm are off to a great start and harvesting and markets actually start this week. #1095 I'm excited for Anderson Organics to start wow-ing our community again this season with their amazingly, delicious vegetables.

I'm also excited to bring some home to my house and eat them. Seriously, their vegetables taste so good! #1096

There is some resurrection going on in my heart right now. #1097

There is pain as places in my heart that have long been dead come back to full vitality and feeling. #1098 There is fear because these feelings are returning with a strength and intensity that I did not remember they had. #1099 There is joy because God is making my heart fully alive to Him. #1100 There is hope because dreams that seemed dead are coming back to life. #1101 There is perseverance in engagement because returning to emotional shut-down would be SO, MUCH, MORE comfortable! #1102 There is love as God reassures me of my incredible worth to Him and His desire for me to be completely free to receive Him and all His benefits. #1103

My wings are back! As you can see in this picture. #1104


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