I have been reflecting on the joy of the LORD. The Bible says that the joy of the LORD is my strength (Neh 8:10). Jesus said that He wants His joy to be in me and for my joy to be complete (John 15:11). I understand these verses to mean that God cares about my joy, that it is found through relationship with Him and that it is meant to strengthen me. I have a friend, Carly, who is an intercessory missionary in Istanbul, Turkey. She recently fell while getting off a trolley and broke her pelvis in 3 places. Carly has been in intense pain, has had almost no pain killers and little medical care. But, I’m still getting emails from her proclaiming that Jesus is worthy of all praise and that she is worshiping Him from her bed in Turkey. I read a letter from another missionary this morning. Her husband died very suddenly last September after a slight fall caused a massive hemorrhage in his brain. She is still grieving, but there was definite joy streaming through her letter as she tal...
I want to know and believe the LOVE that God has for me. I want to be full of JOY regardless of my circumstances. I want to be WHOLEHEARTED: living connected to who I am, what I feel, and what I desire. I want to have a vision for who God is, who I am and where we are journeying together. I want to be marked by His delight and to express delight back to Him.