I started writing a blog post, but the topic felt old. I’m still struggling with all of the new and all of the changes. I’m still not adjusting as well or as quickly as I wish I was. I’m still struggling with feelings of fear and failure. But, I have written about all of this before and I don’t think that I really have anything new to say right now. I just need to keep leaning into my Beloved God. So, I decided to share with you one of my favorite holy imaginations that I have with God right now. I’m a little girl again. Big enough to run around, jump and sing, but not too big to crawl into my Abba’s lap when I’m feeling scared, tired or hurt. He cradles me in His big, strong arms and I can hear his faithful heart beat if I lean into His chest. I can see my knobby knees, bare feet and wiggling toes. They are dirty and sometimes knees have gotten scraped and toes have gotten stubbed. First, Father God quiets me. He stills the flow of anxious thoughts and slows the r...
I want to know and believe the LOVE that God has for me. I want to be full of JOY regardless of my circumstances. I want to be WHOLEHEARTED: living connected to who I am, what I feel, and what I desire. I want to have a vision for who God is, who I am and where we are journeying together. I want to be marked by His delight and to express delight back to Him.